12-28-23 • Blue Door Vision

12-28-23 • Blue Door Vision

In prayer with Katie Willmer tonight and I saw a vision of a blue door. I asked the Lord what it meant and He said: "It's the door of no more compromise. The door of the Great Divide that every one of My Bride will walk through. It's the separation that must take place. For I have set you apart for MY purpose for such a time as this and you shall walk through this door officially in 2024."
👑Ephesians 5:25-27
26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
Where God is taking you, there is no more room for compromise. How do you prepare?
Make time for Him ✅
Read the Word daily ✅
Meditate on the Word ✅ 
Pray without ceasing ✅
Anoint yourself, your family & home ✅
Take communion ✅
Win the lost souls ✅
Seek His face in the secret place ✅
Go after His heart & not His hand ✅
Build a relationship with Him ✅
Get the sin out & close every open door ✅
Get deliverance if needed ✅
Seek healing if needed ✅
Break soul ties ✅
Forgive those who hurt you ✅
Forgive yourself ✅
Bless & pray for your enemies ✅
Love you neighbor ✅
Do not lie, steal, murder or commit adultery ✅
Break any demonic covenants or agreements ✅
Will you commit to being a spotless and pure Bride for Jesus Christ? Will you be ready for His return?
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