12-28-23 • Rise Up Word

12-28-23 • Rise Up Word

By Chelsea Almendarez 
Thursday, Dec 28 • 5:20pm est
I heard the Lord say "Prophesy and as you begin to prophesy, dry bones will come back to life." 
I prophesy that the Lord is going to begin to download new strategy to combat the current warfare in your life and the warfare to come. I hear Him saying that the tools and strategies that worked in the previous season are no longer going to suffice but to come up higher to receive the new strategy from heaven.
For there is coming a time, and is already, that you'll be in a season of new levels new devils but the Lord is giving you NEW insight, NEW tools, NEW weapons to combat the enemy. 
No longer will you be in a place of laying down and taking what the enemy is throwing at you. 
No longer will you be the victim. 
It's time to rise up and take your rightful place as a co-heir with Christ. 
For I see that as you begin to dive deeper into the Word, new revelation is coming. 
The Sword of the Spirit is a weapon and the Lord is going to teach His children how to fight with it in this coming year. 
And I even see many people teaching others, for the Lord is mantling teachers in this season who will go from place to place and show people how to use the Sword of the Spirit.
I see prophets arising in this next season, with fire coming forth out of their mouths. 
No more will they take a beating from the enemy. 
But I hear the Lord saying "beauty for ashes."
And what you thought was the enemy this whole time was actually the Lord crushing you and refining you to where you needed to be. 
I hear the Lord saying "no more distractions." 
"My people won't be distracted in this hour. They refuse to be. Finally, they are realizing their calling, as I am revealing callings in this hour." 
Deeper still, deeper still. 
There is a deeper level in God that is not yet known. 
But in this next year, we are going to go deeper and deeper and deeper into the levels of God that no man has ever known. And I see us doing this as a BODY, as a whole.
The deeper place of God where His heart is moved. 
The deep place of worship where the demons will have no choice but to flee. 
The deep place where oil is being poured out onto His servants and onto His bride. 
I hear the Lord saying, "Rise up to your calling. Rise up, my Bride. Rise up, my children. It's time. Take your rightful place in me as my coming soon approaches. And you shall see me coming on the clouds in all of my glory and splendor. For I am the Lord and the throne belongs to Me alone. Get ready to witness the greatest move of God you've ever seen (as my daughter said earlier today). It is coming. It is coming. It is coming. Prepare now. It's time."
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