12-29-23 • Prophetic Teaching

12-29-23 • Prophetic Teaching

I hear the Lord saying... 
Are you picking up your cross and carrying it? ✝️
Where is your spiritual diet? 📖 
The Lord began to speak to me on spiritual diets. Everyone's diet is going to look different according to where you're at now and where He needs you to be. But every diet will have a balance of Word/Worship/Prayer. Praise and intercession will always be involved as well. My praise is apart of my prayer time. 
He told me that this is what it looks like to pick up your cross and carry it; that part of it would be a sacrifice of time devoted to His purposes.
If you're unsure of your spiritual diet, ask the Lord to show you. This vision was what He gave me because I was seeking Him on this and needed it spelled out for me in a way I could understand; He told me 30 min for each of the 4 below (2 hours total but not all at once, staggered throughout the day). 
This diet is a challenge for me. What I realized is: if I don't follow this, He will speak to me at night and I won't be able to fall asleep. There is no room to cut corners on this. Jesus didn't cut corners on the cross. He endured. He was the perfect sacrifice. We will never be perfect like Him but we should be striving for a relationship. 
Some of us are writing schedules, penciling Him in and He never told you to do that. It lacks the anointing which is why you never feel Him. Youre putting Him in a religious box.
It isn't religion. 
It's relationship. 
Here are the benefits of a spiritual diet: 
Build a relationship with Him ✅
Sustain you in warfare ✅
Prevent warfare ✅
Get rooted deep in the Word ✅
Humble yourself before Him ✅
Receive inner healing ✅
Receive deliverance ✅
Worship the King ✅
Receive wisdom and revelation ✅
And so much more... 
✝️ Matthew 16:24
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."
✝️ John 15:5
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."
✝️ Psalm 100:4
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
*Just to clarify, yes, intercession and prayer are two different things (this is what He showed me). Yes, you are praying during intercession but you're interceding for His purposes. Ask Him who you need to pray for. Prayer is a place to hear from Him on your life, pray for what you feel in your spirit, minister and praise Him, etc. Ask the Lord to show you. 
**There are days I do all of these longer but this is the bare minimum requirement He has for me. 
***The Lord will have you do things within the body of Christ but this is referring to the time alone with Him in the secret place.
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