11-25-23 • Clear Out The Cobwebs Word

11-25-23 • Clear Out The Cobwebs Word

(Live video posted if you prefer to listen)
I see a vision of a web. It's a web of distractions. A web of lies and deceit. Many are tangled in this web, held captive by the enemy. He's distracted you away from your assignment. He has your focus on something else. But the Lord is turning your gaze to Him. He's calling you into obedience, into consecration, into ministry. But you've been busy, caught up in this web and you refuse to see it. The Lord is opening your eyes and removing the scales in this hour. He is clearing out the cobwebs and the clutter in your life and in your mind. He is bringing deliverance and for many of you, He will bring a deliverer to see it through. "Deeper consecration for my Bride," I hear the Lord saying. It's time to go deeper into the press. It's time to refine and get out of your mess. It's time to see fully what the Lord has set before you. 
Hear the Word of the Lord for your life and see to it that you follow His footsteps into your next. "One step at a time," I hear the Lord say to those who ask "how?" "One day at a time" is how you walk into your next. I see a vision of footsteps. The Lord's feet step first and then another (person) steps AFTER Him. 
"Don't you see it's ME who leads the way. Don't you see it's MY footsteps you're walking into. The path is clear but you refuse to see. Open your eyes My Bride. Time is short. Open your eyes My Bride. I am near you. But you refuse to listen. And so now I warn you. This is the last call. This is the final harvest. I am calling you. Will you answer the call? Will you be obedient? Will you follow through on your assignment? I am sending many who will help you but you must listen to those I send. 1, 2, 3 strikes and you're out. How many times will you fail to listen? How many times must I bring correction to the same sin? The same mistakes? Be obedient. Listen to My Word. Pick up My Word, My Holy Scriptures that you set down so long ago and won't pick up. You speak highly of yourself and knowing Me but you don't know me. You refuse to know Me because you don't spend time with Me. So now I must warn the Bride through My prophets, to those who will listen. Take heed. This IS the final call. Listen now or be left behind. Many will be left behind. Few will enter. I am done playing games. I come quickly for a Bride who is ready. A Bride who will listen. A Bride who is SPOTLESS. For I was the spotless lamb and still am. I alone am worthy. Cling onto Me for your very life and love Me. I ask very little for the high price already paid. Will you be able to pay your cost? Will you pick up your cross and follow me?"
I began to tear up and feel the grieving of the Holy Spirit. He doesn't want anyone left behind but so many aren't prepared. And so many aren't listening to the convictions (of the Holy Spirit). He keeps sending people over and over and over to the point of exhaustion. But many are living in secret sin and aren't in repentance. I pray this Word brings a deep fear of the Lord and that we can get right before the appointed time. Time is short. Tomorrow isn't promised. RUN to the Lord. He is your only Hope. 
November 25 - 2:15pm
Word of the Lord for the Bride of Christ
Chelsea Almendarez
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